It feels like a while since I’ve given a meaningful Hilang Child update. I’ve been working on new material and gathering what will hopefully become a new album, but to be honest the process is taking slightly longer than I hoped because of various life commitments, problems sleeping, losing our studio, house moves, illness, aborted projects, burnout, reconnecting, attempts to be more present, basically a whole number of trials and tribulations getting in the way. I’m excited about what I’m working on but it’s very easy to let it become a vicious circle of feeling frustrated at the time it’s taking + the frustration making it take longer.
But I’ve been able to take some time out recently to just stop and escape and reflect from the outside and have had a few experiences, encounters and opportunities lately that are helping spur on those creative moments when they hit. They genuinely are hitting and I’m once again excited about what comes next.
I’m hoping to have some updates for you soon on new music, but in the meantime I’ve had a lot of fun just getting out and doing the thing where it all began for me: playing drums with other artists. I’ve had a killer time playing at the festivals this summer with Bessie Turner and I’ve also been recording drums under an alter-ego, Teddy Edwards, for an exciting new duo named Jesse & Bill. BBC 6 Music listeners recently got a sneak first listen to their currently-unreleased debut single which will be out on Harbour Masters Records in early September.
I promise there’ll be new Hilang Child soon. We’re getting close x