Delighted to share this film by Jonjo Lowe for 'Chaturanga Rebuilt', taken from my Stripped.Rebuilt EP. An exploration of despair, optimism, togetherness and solitude. Some words from Jonjo on the project:
“The song offers passage from despair to nascent optimism. I wanted the video to explore the togetherness that binds communities as they push forwards through catastrophic events; rituals that reinforce our sense of being, bodies running parallel to one another, occasionally colliding, and the silent ecstasy of intimacy which illuminates hope in new beginnings.”
Huge shouts from the rooftops to everyone involved:
Director: Jonjo Lowe
DoP: Will Churchill
Second camera: Willem Olenski
Performers: Rosie Brear, Leda Douglas, Miles Mlambo, Clay Cavender, Yoshika Issabella Colwell, Ja S-c
Colourist: Luke Ross